
Earthfest & Lady Legs by Kenslie McGuire

I realize that may seem like such an odd combination, but we didn't think so. A couple of our friends are members of the band Lady Legs, and we took it as a challenge to see every show they played for a whole weekend. It was a total of 3 shows. We made it happen. In between shows we were sure to celebrate Ashley's birthday by getting all of the good eats downtown. (Strawberry lemonade at Toomer's exists, and yes, it's good.)

Here's to Us by Kenslie McGuire

If you've never seen a photo of Samford Hall before, you have come to the right place. It is a lovely piece of architecture. Its lawn has been the place of many naps and meals over the past 4 years. As I think about graduating from college, the words that come to mind are the lyrics to this song as covered by the cast of GLEE. Graduation was a week ago now. Four years in Auburn. The people made it, God blessed it, and the memories surpass it. 2-0-1-5.